
1st Annual Teen Writer & Artist Golden Ticket Event @ #YAFest2017

1st Annual
Teen Writers & Artists Golden Ticket Event!
Only at #YAFest2017
March 18, 2017
12:00pm - 1:00pm

We are excited to announce a Teen Writers & Artists Meet and Greet with authors* that takes place before the festival’s doors open!

What Is It?
A special one-on-one meet and greet session with 10-20 of our attending authors, plus a special guest “visit”!

Who’s It For?
Teens (aged 13-19)

How Do I Enter?
There are four ways to enter the contest:
  1. Design a book cover for The Sacrifice of Sunshine Girl (Sunshine Girl #3) based on the book’s blurb. (8”x11”)
  2. Design a bookmark for any of the attending authors’ books, based only on the book blurb. (2” x 7”)
  3. Write the first or last scene of an attending author’s book based on the book blurb. (No more than 1000 words)
  4. If you’ve read a book by an attending author, write an alternate final scene for the book you read. (No more than 1000 words.)

There is no entrance fee!
Entries due at 11:59pm EST on December 31, 2016.

Send your entries to us at YF.GOLDENTICKET@GMAIL.COM
(Please send as DOC, PDF, or PNG files)

The Winners
Winners will be contacted via snail mail on or around February 1, 2017.  The full list of winners will be posted on the YA Fest website on February 14, 2017.

Winners will be picked by coordinators Jennifer Murgia and Ashley Supinski, with additional help from Katie Cardell.

The Rules
  1. Book cover designs must have original concept.  Art can be clipart or graphics, but the concept of the cover should be your own!
  2. Book covers may be computer-designed or hand-designed using any media.
  3. Written stories are considered fanfiction.  
  4. Book covers and written stories cannot be sold or reproduced.  They are for the Golden Ticket contest only.  

Other Considerations
  1. There is no fee to enter the contest.
  2. Golden Tickets are non-transferrable and good only for the initial winner.
  3. Bookmarks and stories will not be sold.  They may be published on the YA Fest website pre-Fest.
  4. Copyright of images and characters belong to respective parties.
  5. Permission has been given by Paige Mackenzie and the Sunshine Group to design a book cover for The Sacrifice of Sunshine Girl.

Not all attending authors will be at the Golden Ticket Event.
List of attending authors and their books can be found at: http://yafest.org/authors.  
Blurbs can be found at Goodreads.com or Amazon.com.

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