
Author Spotlight: Jeff Hirsch!

Meet Jeff Hirsch.

Jeff has been writing since 7th grade and, with a few years of practice under his belt, he's gotten pretty darn good at it. He's also enjoys baking to relax and can work himself out of a straitjacket while hanging upside down. You think I'm joking but I'm totally not. Read more fun and quirky facts about Jeff here on his blog, and don't forget to look for him on Facebook and Twitter.

So are you acquainted now? Good. Now all you have to do is come to YA Fest 2017 to meet him for FOR REALSIES. He'll be there signing his newest release, Black River Falls. And make sure you read his other books, too. Because, let's be honest... they're all pretty fantastic, especially for post-apocalyptic fans. If you're interested in seeing who else will be signing at YA Fest, you can see the list of attending authors here!

The Eleventh Plague
Twenty years after the start of the war that caused the Collapse, fifteen-year-old Stephen, his father, and grandfather travel post-Collapse America scavenging, but when his grandfather dies and his father decides to risk everything to save the lives of two strangers, Stephen's life is turned upside down.

In the twenty-second century, Glennora Morgan's father has been working on a project that will allow him to penetrate the Rift border and retrieve Glennora's mother; but now that he has succeeded ,the Authority is suddenly trying to kill them both, and Glennora and her friend Kevin must flee into the Magisterium to escape them.

The Darkest Path
Since he was captured by the Glorious Path, a militant religion based on the teachings of a former soldier, fifteen-year-old Cal has served the Path in its brutal war with the remains of the United States government, and tried to survive and protect his younger brother but when he kills an officer to protect a stray dog, Cal is forced take his brother and the dog and run.

Black River Falls
Seventeen-year-old Cardinal has escaped the virus that ravaged his town, leaving its victims alive but without their memories.

What's that, you say? You want to read Jeff's books but they're checked out or not available at the Easton library? FEAR NOT!  

Books can be reserved from the Allentown, Bethlehem, and Easton Area Public Libraries for only $0.50! If you're looking for a book that's checked out or the Easton library doesn't own, put a hold on it and we'll have it sent to either branch of the Easton library for you! 

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